Workshop on Machine Vision for Earth Observation

Workshop on Machine Vision for Earth Observation

20 novembre 2023

Aberdeen, UK

The 34th British Machine Vision Conference, 20th - 24th November 2023, Aberdeen, UK

Workshop on Machine Vision for Earth Observation - BMVC2023

The Workshop on Machine Vision for Earth Observation aims to bring together researchers and experts from Computer Vision and Remote Sensing communities to promote interdisciplinary research, encourage innovative computer vision approaches for automated interpretation of Earth observation data, and enhance knowledge within the vision community for this rapidly evolving and highly impactful area of research.

More info:

We invite submissions with at most 9 pages (references excluded), following BMVC guidelines.
Submission instructions:

Topics of interest should cover both machine vision and Earth Observation.
A non-exhaustive list includes the following:
Methods: Data-centric machine learning; remote sensing data + language processing (such as Large Language Models) models; open-set, open-world, and open long-tailed recognition; multi-resolution, multi-temporal, multi-sensor, multi-modal approaches; generative models (GANs, stable diffusion, etc); self-, weakly, semi-, and unsupervised approaches; human-in-the-loop and active learning; etc.
Tasks: Classification; object detection; segmentation (universal, semantic, panoptic, and/or instance); data augmentation and improvement; deep fake; domain adaptation and concept drift; super-resolution; explainability and interpretability; multi and hyperspectral, optical and radar image processing; and so on.
Applications: Disaster relief; urban planning; sustainable and intelligent agriculture; coast, sea, and marine monitoring; water conservation; circular economy; climate change; sustainable development goals; geoscience; phenological studies; Net Zero, and so on.

Important dates:
Submission deadline: Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Notification to authors: Friday, 15 September 2023
Camera-ready deadline: Sunday, 1 October 2023
Workshop: Friday, 24 November 2023



Date de modification : 26 juillet 2023 | Date de création : 26 juillet 2023