Workshop on Bayesian optimization & related topics

Workshop on Bayesian optimization & related topics

20 juin 2024

Paris, France

Workshop on Bayesian optimization & related topics, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. June 20, 2024

Workshop on Bayesian optimization & related topics

RT-UQ (Research network on Uncertainty Quantification)  will organize its first workshop on June 20 at IHP, save the date!

The workshop will be dedicated to "Bayesian optimization & related topics" (derivative-free optimization, calibration, etc.).

The program is under construction here:, with four speakers already confirmed:

Rodolphe Le Riche (CNRS LIMOS, Mines de Saint-Etienne and UCA) Bayesian Optimization in the presence of uncertainties: an overview in 2024

Daniel Hernandez Lobato (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Parallel predictive entropy search for multi-objective Bayesian optimization with constraints

Clément Royer (LAMSADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL) Random subspaces and expected decrease in derivative-free optimization

Mathieu Balesdent (ONERA) Bayesian Quality-Diversity approaches for constrained optimization problems with mixed continuous, discrete and categorical variables



Date de modification : 26 février 2024 | Date de création : 26 février 2024