Workshop "Forest and people: from skyview to local dynamics"

Workshop "Forest and people: from skyview to local dynamics"

Du 23 juin 2024 au 28 juin 2024

Paris, France

Workshop "Forest and people: from skyview to local dynamics"

Workshop "Forest and people: from skyview to local dynamics"

The Paris School of Economics is glad to invite you to the "Forest and people: from skyview to local dynamics" workshop organized by the Opening Economics Chair.

  • Dates: From Sunday, June 23 to Thursday, June 28
  • Venue: CAES du CNRS - Centre Paul Langevin
    24 rue du Coin, 73500 Aussois

This interdisciplinary workshop brings together researchers from economics, human geography and remote sensing around a common research object, namely forests around the world with a special focus on developing countries. The workshop combines standard presentations with open slots to foster discussions on the drivers of forest cover change. From the global to the micro scale, the workshop emphasizes the importance of measurement and the complexity of human behaviour in relation to the environment. The workshop will put public policy in the spotlight by, among other things, discussing their effectiveness in reducing forest cover loss, by shedding light on potential spatial or temporal spillovers, or by questioning the appropriate scale and duration of public intervention.

Informations et programme sur :

Information :

Programme :

Date de modification : 06 juin 2024 | Date de création : 06 juin 2024