Earth observation for soil protection and restoration

Earth observation for soil protection and restoration

06 mars 2024

Frascati (Rome), Italy

Earth observation for soil protection and restoration, 6-7 March 2024, Frascati (Rome), Italy

ESA Symposium on Earth observation for soil protection and restoration is a broad call to the international and EU soil community working in the soil science-policy framework to achieve climate neutrality, a clean and circular economy, revert biodiversity loss, safeguard human health, halt desertification, and revert land degradation.

The registration for participation will be opened in September 2023.  The Symposium sessions will include oral presentations (on invitation), discussion rounds and a poster display.

Prepare your Abstract Submission on any of the following Key topics:

  1. Soil policy scenarios and Earth Observation
  2. Monitoring soil parameters: EO as a trustworthy technique.
  3. EU soil policy and carbon certification entities to the light of edge technologies
  4. Soil Research, industry, and technology
  5. Soil Organic Carbon Monitoring: data sources, prediction algorithms, handling uncertainties,
  6. Advanced satellite instrumentation for soil health
  7. Soil data and methodologies. Scaling up soil health through AI, geo-statistics, spectroscopy, machine learning and other technologies.
  8. Contributions for a Copernicus soil monitoring service portfolio
  9. Remote Sensing of soils, validation methods for agro-policies
  10. Leveraging technical integrations and soil business models for carbon certification
  11. Show-casing potential soil carbon removals in various LULC, in the short and long terms.



Date de modification : 29 septembre 2023 | Date de création : 29 septembre 2023