3rd CEMS Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring annual meeting

3rd CEMS Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring annual meeting

05 mars 2024

en distanciel

3rd CEMS Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring annual meeting

The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS), implemented by the Joint Research Centre, is organising this event to present and discuss the recent developments of its global flood early warning and monitoring tools - Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) and Global Flood Monitoring (GFM).

The event will focus on the latest developments of these aforementioned systems, via keynotes and panel discussions through which user feedback and user case studies will be explored.


Contact: https://www.copernicus.eu/fr/node/44425

Date de modification : 20 février 2024 | Date de création : 20 février 2024